Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Welcome to 1st grade 2019/2020 school year

Welcome to your 1st grade classroom!

I am so excited to meet you and learn new things with you!
We will learn so much and have so much fun together! 
We are so lucky this year to have another teacher with us.
Mrs. Fosnaugh will join us for parts of the day!
She and I will work together to help you grow your brains!

I have been teaching for 14 years I live with my husband,
two daughters- Olivia and Emily, my dog- Mya and three
cats- Chewy, Marshmallow and Milo!
I love to read, craft with my kids and I love to dance
and be active!

Mrs. Fosnaugh has been tea hing for 18 years. She lives
with her husband, 3 sons- Benjamin, Cade and Dallas.
She has 2 pugs- Tori and Abbi.
She loves to bike, read and spend time with her family.
I cannot wait to have her in our class with us!

We cannot wait to meet you and your family and to
learn about you! I hope you are ready for school and
as excited as I am!

You room is room 105 and you will even get your
own locker! I am very excited to start our year
together! It will be a GREAT one!


Mrs. Steele and Mrs. Fosnaugh

PS- Please be sure to join us Tuesday, August 13 from

5-6pm for Welcome to First Grade night. You will hear
more about Olson and the classroom your child will be in.
This is the only night to hear a little about the teachers
and classroom!